Phantasmagoria 空想 — Leon Fenster 个展


Phantasmagoria 空想 — Leon Fenster 个展

September 9th - October 15th

Phantasmagoria is the first exhibition showing Leon’s intriguing portraits of beijing, shanghai and Jerusalem together. His tapestry-like flights of fancy are bursting with colour and stories - as rich and overflowing as the cities themselves. This is art you can get lost within once you step inside the worlds Leon creates. 

9月9日- 10月15日



 Life stories  生活故事

Leon takes joy in finding the magic in the mundane. And in the huge,illuminated dream-scapes exhibited here, you will do the same. Come see your own city with fresh eyes - eyes filled with child-like wonder.


 Beijing technicolor dreamcoat  北京空想

Leon’s work depicts the world as we remember it in memory and dreams- stripped of chronology and geography. Glorious collisions in which new stories emerge.


Opera house beijing  歌剧院在北京

Leon is a British artist and architectural designer, exhibited in the Uk, China and Singapore. His work has dealt with the creation of contemporary sacred spaces, visual retellings of ancient stories, using drawingas a form of biography and exploring the new relationships between China and london.



 Shanghai Dreaming  上海空想


Miriam’s Gaze  女先知的凝视


September 9 - October 15

 A.C. Art Museum

A.C. Art Museum Hotel

26 Dongzhimen Wai Avenue, facing the Australian and Canadian Embassies.

Open daily 9am-6pm.

Often open in the evening too. Check

Or contact by WeChat: 13051430537





每日 9am-6pm 开放

